The Lingtey Irrigation Scheme in Sang-Ngagcholing Gewog under Samtse Dzongkhag, which is the 25th Water Project under De-Suung National Service was launched on 4 September, 2021 led by Samtse Dzongda. At the water source, the Rabdey's Lam Neten presided over the Salang Tendrel. The Armed Force personnel with other officials from Dzongkhag and Gewog witnessed the launching of the project. This project for irrigation is being implemented in collaboration with the Royal Government of Bhutan, De-Suung, and Armed Forces. A total of 100 De-Suups will be employed for the intended project duration of 6 months.
The project, which is estimated to cost more than Nu. 34.6 million, will require the construction of a 2.50-kilometer high-density polyethylene pipeline as a conveyance from the intake weir at the water source. The irrigation scheme will irrigate over 100 acres of Chuzhing, benefiting the livelihoods of 54 houselolds.
Samtse Dzongkhag oversee the execution of the project on a regular basis, with Ministry of Agriculture and Forests providing timely technical support. The irrigation scheme will be handed over to the Gewog and the beneficiary community once it is completed, and the users will be responsible for its operation and minor maintenance. The project is funded by the Water Flagship Program.