02 August 2023

Upon achievement of 100% sterilization of stray dogs within 15 Gewogs, Samtse Dzongkhag has now been officially declared by the Nationwide Accelerated Dog Population Management & Rabies Control Programme (NADPM&RCP) as free from un-neutered & unowned free-roaming dogs. After series of sterilization and vaccination activities during entire NADPN&RCP campaign Samtse Dzongkhag neutered and ear notched 7214 free roaming unowned dogs. However, due to porous and long stretch of open border with Indian states, it is more likely that unsterilized free roaming dogs from India may enter into Bhutan. The Dzongkhag Livestock Sector shall monitor and carry out similar campaign on regular basis.

With this, Dzongkhag Administration Samtse would like to extend sincere appreciation to the MoAL/DoL, NADPM&RCP Management, Desuung Offices, all stakeholders and active supporters for successful declaration of this Dzongkhag.
