Civil Registration & Census
The Civil Registration & Census Sector of Samtse Dzongkhag manages population data, ensures accurate civil registration, and facilitates census activities to support governance and public service delivery.
- Management of Population Data: Maintaining up-to-date and accurate population data that supports effective governance, policy planning, and the delivery of public services at the local level.
- Civil Registration: Ensuring the accurate and timely registration of vital events such as births, deaths, marriages, and divorces, in compliance with national civil registration policies.
- Census Activities: Coordinating and facilitating the census process to collect comprehensive demographic, social, and economic data, providing valuable insights for development planning and resource allocation.
- Support for Governance: Providing reliable population data to assist in decision-making processes, electoral processes, and government program implementations, ensuring effective public service delivery.
- Public Awareness and Education: Promoting public awareness of the importance of civil registration and census activities, encouraging timely and accurate reporting of vital events by citizens.
- Collaboration with National Agencies: Working closely with national civil registration authorities and other relevant government agencies to ensure seamless data integration and alignment with national standards.
Link to download forms
Nothing to download in this sector.

Tashi Dema
Civil Registration and Census Officer

Dendup Zangmo
Census Asst.

Census Asst.