Denchukha Gewog

Duenchukha Gewog, located in the northeastern part of Samtse Dzongkhag, covers 102.15 square kilometers and is bordered by Haa Dzongkhag to the north, Chukha Dzongkhag to the east, Dungtoe to the west, and Dorokha Gewog to the south. The gewog experiences a sub-tropical climate with hot, humid summers and cold, dry winters, receiving annual rainfall between 1500mm and 4000mm. The soil is a mix of alluvial, sandy, and clayey loam. The gewog consists of five chiwogs: Dawaling-Karzhing, Domchhukha-Shitakha, Gesarling-Yomedling, Duenchukha-Gabji, and Biloong-Poongthra.

Area and location.

Duenchukha under Dorokha Dungkhag is located to the north east of the Samtse Dzongkhag and is one of the remotest gewog. The gewog is bordered by Haa Dzongkhag in north, Chukha Dzongkhag in east, Dungtoe to the west and Dorokha gewog to the south. It covers about 102.15 square kilometers of area.


The gewog lies in sub-tropical type of climate & experience hot and humid summer, cold and dry winter with annual rainfall ranges from 1500mm to 4000 mm.

Types of Soil

The gewog has alluvial, sandy and clayey loam types of soils.

Chiwog under the Gewog:

  1. Dawaling_Karzhing
  2. Domchhukha_Shitakha
  3. Gesarling_Yomedling
  4. Duenchukha_Gabji
  5. Biloong_Poongthra

No institutions in this Gewog.

Vaskar Chapagai
Denchukha Gup

Dechen Wangdi
Gewog Administration Officer

Leela Dhar Chapagai

Parsu Ram Dungyel
Extension Supervisor-II

Bhaskar Tiwari

Bhola Nath Powdel
Biloong pungthra Tshogpa

Partap Singh Rai
Gesarling Yoedmelling Tshogpa

Barta man Rai
Gawaling- Kharzing Tshogpa

Oma Nath Chapagai
Denchukha Gabji Tshogpa

No tourist destinations in this Gewog.

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