Namgaychhoeling/ Lahireni Gewog
Namgaychhoeling Gewog, located in the north-western part of Samtse Dzongkhag, covers 128.49 square kilometers. It is bordered by Sangachhoeling Gewog to the east, Pemaling Gewog to the west, Tashichhoeling Gewog to the south, and Haa Dzongkhag to the north. The gewog experiences hot, humid summers, dry, cool winters, and annual rainfall ranging from 1200mm to 3000mm, with snowfall in the northern part during the winter seasons.
Area and location.
Namgaychhoeling (Lahireni) gewog under Tashichholing Dungkhag is connected by a Gewog Center Road, black-topped with a length of 4.4 KM, and located to the north-west of the Samtse Dzongkhag. It covers around 128.49 square kilometers of area. The gewog is bordered by Sangachhoeling Gewog to the east, Pemaling Gewog to the west, and Tashichhoeling Gewog to the south, and Haa Dzongkhag to the north. Yaba village in present Sombaykha Gewog under Haa Dzongkhag was initially under Namgaychhoeling Gewog until it was distributed to Sombaykha Gewog in early 2000s.
The gewog experiences annual rainfall ranging from 1200mm to 3000mm.The gewog has hot and humid summer, dry and cool winter with snowfall in the northern part of gewog and falls in sub-tropical monsoon zone. The gewog has red, alluvial and black types of soils
Types of Soil
The soil types include red, alluvial, and black soil
Chiwog under the Gewog:
The Gewog Administration is divided into five chiwogs of:
1. Namgaychhoeling
2. Pakshingkha-Tshachhugang
3. Sernyagang-Tsholingkahr,
4. Gyalposhing-Satsangsa, and
5. Chhunaggang-Chhoedeling.
When the government initiated resettlement efforts in the early 2000s, 40 individuals chose to relocate to Namgaychhoeling Chiwog in Namgaychhoeling Gewog. These settlers came from various regions and backgrounds, creating a linguistically diverse community where residents speak Ngalop, Tshanglakha, Khengkha, and Lhotshamkha. Initially, language barriers left some individuals feeling isolated for two to three years, with some avoiding official meetings and communications due to these challenges. Over time, however, many residents adapted by mastering two to three languages providing them a sense of relief and integration into their new environment.
- No. of villages; 11 Major (Namgaychhoeling, Tshosarling, Pakshingkha, Tshachhugang, Serngyagang, Gangtog, Tsholingkhar, Gyelpozhing, SaTsangsa, Chhunagang, Chhoedarling), Minor/small villages; 39,
- Total population…4099
- No. of males…1910
- No. of females….2189
- No. of Schools; 2 primary school, Namgaychholing PS and Gangtog PS
- No. of NFE centres…1 (at Tshachhugang Village)
- No. of ECCD centres…5, (1. Gyelpozhing, 2. Sa-Tsangsa, 3. Chhodarling, 4. Tshachhugang and 5. Namgaychholing School)
- No. of Lhakhang; 1 Lhakhang and 1 mandir
- No. of Chhoetens; 2 private, 1 government owned
- No. of Neys (Dham)… 1 menchhu (at Tshachhugang)
- No. of farm roads….10 nos. 74.4km in length
- No. of shops…39
- No. of POE; 1
- No. of civil servants; 6 at Gewog Center, 14 at Gangtog School including ECCD facilitator, 30 including 2 ECCD FacilitatorNo of lakes; 1 at Tsholingkhar village
- No. of bridges; 3 bailey bridges and 2 suspension bridges
- Resettlements; 40 households
- Gungtongs; 8 households

Ratna Bdr. Ghalley
Namgaychhoeling Gup

Ram Chandra

Sanga Chojay
Gewog Admin. Officer
Namgaycholing GAO

Dorji Wangchuk

Tara Pradhan

Manita Gurung
No tourist destinations in this Gewog.
Samtse Dzongkhag Administration
- Samtse, BHUTAN
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